Simple guide to nmm gold

Paint recipe by ABEhobbies
Simple guide to nmm gold

Simple guide to nmm

Take a photo of the primed mini under a light to create a light map. This will help establish highlight placement. In addition break the models parts down to simple shapes as a additional guide to highlight placement.

The steps

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img 1


Base coat with a mix of black and English uniform, this will be your shade.

img 2


Begin to form your highlights. Uses the previous references to select location, try to give yourself a little extra room by exaggerating the highlighted area.

img 3


Making sure to leave some of the previous color visible continue to build the highlights in the same shape.

img 4


More of the same just building to the brightest highlights. Keep the same shape while reducing the surface area and placing this color on the brightest part of your previous light map.

img 5


Now you could spend a lot of time Blending transitions for a nice smooth effect but for the purpose of this guide we are going to fat glaze the midtone over basically everything we have done so far. If you are unfamiliar a fat glaze will just be a heavy glaze I mix a water into the paint, load the brush with paint offload most onto a paper towel then test it on my fingernail, the level of transparency in the photo is the goal for me. Getting some midtone in the shade and highlight re-enforces the "yellow" feel of the gold and makes the colors more homogenous. I fat glazed over this all 2 or 3 times.

img 6


Then go back and subtlety re-enforce the highlights in a small area, add some edge highlights and bounce reflections and you're done. For bounce reflections i just finish building (drawing) the shape we originally established with a smaller highlight that is not as bright. I take the bounce highlights to dark yellow and uses the same process as stated before.

I hope this helps feel free to contact me on IG at A.B.Ehobbies if you have any questions. This was intended as a quick and simple guide breaking things down the easiest way I could, the painting part took me 27 minutes so this a time viable way to army paint if you wanted.



Joined September 2024